Nothobranchius sainthousei, new species
Nagy, B., F. P. D. Cotterill & D. U. Bellstedt. 2016. Nothobranchius sainthousei, a new species of annual killifish from the Luapula...
Nov 20, 2016

Divergent karyotypes of Nothobranchius
Krysanov, E., T. Demidova & B. Nagy. 2016. Divergent karyotypes of the annual killifish genus Nothobranchius (Cyprinodontiformes;...
Sep 16, 2016

Lampeyes from Senegal
I came back a few days ago from Senegal, where I had the chance to organize a day of collecting during my stay. I found two localities of...
Jul 23, 2016

Updated photos of Wild Nothos from DRC
I added a few more photos of Wild Nothos collected in DR Congo earlier this year. You can reach the page with the photos under the...
Jul 2, 2016

Fish collecting methods of local people in Africa
Local people know many different ways of effective fish collecting methods. This is a compilation of short videos taken at several...
Jun 3, 2016

Images from the trip in DRC 2016
I added some more images taken during the collecting trip in DR Congo in April 2016. You will find the pictures under the gallery...
May 15, 2016

Some new photos of Wild Nothos from DRC added
I updated and added some more photos of Wild Nothos collected in DR Congo in April 2016. You can reach the page with the photos under the...
May 5, 2016

Photos of Wild Nothos from DR Congo added
I started to add photos of a few populations of Wild Nothos and lampeyes collected in DR Congo in April 2016. You can reach the photos by...
Apr 30, 2016

Wild Nothos from DR Congo 2016
I came back yesterday from a collecting trip in DR Congo. First pictures of the localities and some of the collected Nothos and lampeyes...
Apr 24, 2016

Species profiles added
I added a few more species profiles under the menu SPECIES. The profiles include basic information, as well as water parameter...
Feb 7, 2016