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     Insects have existed on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. Within the class Insecta, all butterflies and moths are placed in the order Lepidoptera, which means 'insects with scaly wings'. The name is derived from the microscopic overlapping scales that form the colours and patterns on the wings, and rub off as a powdery substance if you touch the wings.



     The swallowtail butterfly family, Papilionidae, consists of at least 550 species, many of which are large and colorful and recognizable even to non-specialists. While the majority of swallowtail species are found in tropical latitudes, representatives from the family can be found on every continent except Antarctica, and can be common in both tropical and temperate habitats.

     The name "swallowtail" refers to a tail-like extension on the edge of the hindwing that is found in many, though not all, papilionids.

Papilio demodocus
Papilio demodocus
Papilio demodocus

Citrus Swallowtail

Papilio demodocus

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Citrus Swallowtail

Papilio demodocus

Photographed: Senegal, 2015

Citrus Swallowtail

Papilio demodocus

Photographed: Tanzania, 2009

Graphium angolanus

Angola White Lady

Graphium angolanus

Photographed: Kenya, 2015

Graphium leonidas

Veined Swordtail

Graphium leonidas

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Papilio nireus

Green-banded Swallowtail

Papilio nireus

Photographed: Kenya, 2015

Graphium colonna

Black Swordtail

Graphium colonna

Photographed: Kenya, 2015


Green-banded Swallowtail

Papilio nireus

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Papilio nireus
Graphium leonidas - Veined Swordtail - D

Veined Swordtail

Graphium leonidas

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

     The family Nymphalidae is the most speciose family of butterflies with about 6000 described species. The family contains many well-known species and the nymphalids are in many places the most visible members of the local butterfly fauna. Due to their visibility and ease of study in the field and lab, many species of nymphalids have been used as model systems to understand the complexity of life on this planet.


Precis antilope

Darker Commodore

Precis antilope 

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Precis octavia

Fashion Commodore

Precis pelarga

Photographed: DR Congo, 2023

Precis ceryne

Marsh Commodore

Precis ceryne

Photographed: DR Congo, 2023

Precis octavia

Gaudy Commodore

Precis octavia 

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Precis archesia

Garden Commodore

Precis archesia

Photographed: Uganda, 2021

Gaudy Commodore

Precis octavia

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016


Junonia oenone

Blue Pansy

Junonia oenone  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Junonia orithya

Blue Argus

Junonia orithya (Linnaeus, 1764)

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Junonia terea

Soldier Pansy

Junonia terea  (Druce, 1773)

Photographed: Uganda, 2009

Natal Pansy

Junonia natalica  (Felder, 1860)

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Junonia hierta

Yellow Pansy

Junonia hierta  (Fabricius, 1798)

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Junonia oenone

Blue Pansy

Junonia oenone  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photographed: Zanzibar, 2019

Junonia sophia

Little Pansy

Junonia sophia  (Fabricius, 1793)

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Junonia terea

Soldier Pansy

Junonia elgiva

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Junonia natalica

Natal Pansy

Junonia natalica  (Felder, 1860)

Photographed: Tanzania, 2009

Golden Pansy

Junonia chorimene  (Guérin-Méneville, 1844)

Photographed: Uganda, 2009

Junonia oenone

Blue Pansy

Junonia oenone  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photographed: Kenya, 2015

Junonia sophia

Little Pansy

Junonia sophia  (Fabricius, 1793)

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Soldier Pansy

Junonia terea  (Druce, 1773)

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Natal Pansy

Junonia natalica  (Felder, 1860)

Photographed: Tanzania, 2009

Golden Pansy

Junonia chorimene  (Guérin-Méneville, 1844)

Photographed: Uganda, 2017


Hypolimnas misippus

Danaid Eggfly

Hypolimnas misippus - male  (Linnaeus, 1764)

Photographed: Senegal, 2015

Hypolimnas misippus

Danaid Eggfly

Hypolimnas misippus - female  (Linnaeus, 1764)

Photographed: Kenya, 2008

Danaid Eggfly

Hypolimnas misippus - male  (Linnaeus, 1764)

Photographed: Uganda, 2017


Phalanta phalantha

Common Leopard

Phalanta phalanta

Photographed: Uganda, 2017


Garden Acraea

Acraea horta

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Broad Bordered Acraea

Acraea anemosa

Photographed: South Africa, 2020

Acraea buettneri

Büttner's Acraea

Acraea buettneri

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Acraea encedon

Whitebar Acraea

Acraea encedon

Photographed: Uganda, 2019

Elegant Acraea

Acraea egina

Photographed: Uganda, 2021

Acraea zetes

Large Spotted Acraea

Acraea zetes 

Photographed: Senegal, 2015

Acrea sp - Tanzania 2018.jpeg

Black Tip Acraea

Acraea caldarena neluska Oberthür, 1878

Photographed: Tanzania, 2018

Wandering Donkey Acraea

Acraea neobule

Photographed: Tanzania, 2019


Hamanumida daedalus


Hamanumida daedalus

Photographed: Sudan, 2010

Bebearia orienis

Eastern Palm Forester (male)

Bebearia orientis

Photographed: Kenya, 2007


Hamanumida daedalus

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Bebearia orienis

Eastern Palm Forester (female)

Bebearia orientis

Photographed: Kenya, 2008

Hamanumida daedalus


Hamanumida daedalus

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Bebearia cocalia

Common Palm Forester

Bebearia cocalia

Photographed: Uganda, 2021


Danaus chrysippus

Plain Tiger

Danaus chrysippus 

Photographed: Kenya, 2008

Danaus chrysippus

Plain Tiger

Danaus chrysippus 

Photographed: Egypt, 2008

Danaus chrysippus

Plain Tiger

Danaus chrysippus 

Photographed: Zanzibar, 2019


     Pieridae are the sulphurs and whites, medium-sized mostly pale-colored butterflies with a world-wide distribution. There are some 1100 species.


Round-winged Orange Tip

Colotis euippe  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photographed: Tanzania, 2009

Mylothris agathina

Eastern Dotted Border

Mylothris agathina 

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Belenois creona

African Common White

Belenois creona  (Cramer, 1776)

Photographed: Kenya, 2008

Desert Orange Tip

Colotis evagore  (Klug, 1829)

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Western Dotted Border

Mylothris chloris

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Belenois creona

African Common White

Belenois creona  (Cramer, 1776)

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Round-winged Orange Tip

Colotis euippe  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Forest Caper White

Belenois theora

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Belenois aurota

Pioneer White

Belenois aurota  (Fabricius, 1793)

Photographed: Sudan, 2010


Catopsilia florella

African Migrant

Catopsilia florella  (Fabricius, 1775)

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Eurema hecabe

Malagasy Grass Yellow

Eurema floricola

Photographed: Tanzania, 2009


     Lycaenidae is the second-largest family of butterflies  with over 6,000 species worldwide.


Hypolycaena philippus

Purple-brown Hairstreak

Hypolycaena philippus

Photographed: Kenya, 2015

Hypolycaena philippus

Purple-brown Hairstreak

Hypolycaena philippus

Photographed: Uganda, 2019


Erebus walkeri

Walker's Owl

Erebus walkeri

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Mocis undata

Brown-striped Semilooper

Mocis undata 

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Cyligramma latona

Cream-striped Owl

Cyligramma latona

Photographed: Zanzibar, 2019

Mocis proverai
Cyligramma latona

Cream-striped Owl

Cyligramma latona

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

African Sugarcane Semilooper

Mocis proverai

Photographed: South Africa, 2020


Geometer moths

Zerenopsis costimaculata  (Prout L.B, 1913)

Photographed: Kenya, 2015

East African Sunset Moth

Chrysiridia croesus (Gerstaeker, 1871)

Photographed: Tanzania, 2022


Pieris brassicae

Pieris brassicae  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Pieridae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2015

Pieris brassicae

Pieris brassicae  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Pieridae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2015

Pararge aegeria

Pararge aegeria  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Nymphalidae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2015

Vanessa atalanta

Vanessa atalanta  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Nymphalidae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2012

Pieris brassicae

Pieris brassicae  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Pieridae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2015

Aglais io

Aglais io  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Nymphalidae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2015

Colias crocea

Colias crocea  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Pieridae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2015

Coenonympha pamphilus  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Nymphalidae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2018

Pieris brassicae

Pieris brassicae  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Pieridae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2015

Polygonia c-album

Polygonia c-album  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Classifications: Nymphalidae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2014

Coenonympha arcania

Coenonympha arcania  (Linnaeus, 1761)

Classifications: Nymphalidae

Photographed: Fontainebleau, France, 2015


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