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   Dragonflies are scientifically termed Odonata, which means 'toothed ones', referring to their strong mandibles. Dragonflies are ancient insects, having changed little in the last 300 million years. During those early times, they were masters of the air, long before birds.


     The largest dragonfly family in the world including over 1000 species. With nearly worldwide distribution, these are almost certainly the most often seen of all dragonflies.


Palpopleura portia
Palpopleura portia
Palpopleura portia

Portia Widow

Palpopleura portia  - male

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Portia Widow

Palpopleura portia - female

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Portia Widow

Palpopleura portia  - male

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Palpopleura lucia
Palpopleura lucia
Palpopleura lucia

Lucia Widow

Palpopleura lucia - male

Photographed: Uganda, 2009

Lucia Widow

Palpopleura lucia - male

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Lucia Widow

Palpopleura lucia  - imm. male

Photographed: Tanzania, 2018

Palpopleura deceptor

Deceptive Widow

Palpopleura deceptor - male

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Palpopleura deceptor

Deceptive Widow

Palpopleura deceptor - male

Photographed: Uganda, 2017


Palpopleura deceptor

Deceptive Widow

Palpopleura deceptor - male

Photographed: Tanzania, 2019

Aethriamanta rezia

Pygmy Basker​

Aethriamanta rezia - male & fem

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Brachythemis leucosticta
Bradinopyga cornuta

Southern Banded Groundling

Brachythemis leucosticta

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Horned Rockdweller

Bradinopyga cornuta

Photographed: Zanzibar, 2008

Scarlet Darter

Crocothemis erythraea  (Brullé, 1832)

Photographed: Egypt, 2008

Urothemis edwardsii - Blue Basker

Blue Basker

Urothemis edwardsii

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Acisoma trifidum

Ivory Pintail

Acisoma trifidum

Photographed: Tanzania, 2019



Hemistigma albipunctum

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Orthetrum stemmale

Bold Skimmer

Orthetrum stemmale

Photographed: Kenya, 2008

Orthetrum trinacria

Long Skimmer

Orthetrum trinacria

Photographed: Tanzania, Mwanza, 2019

Brachythemis lacustris

Red Groundling

Brachythemis lacustris

Photographed: Senegal, 2016

Brachythemis leucosticta

Southern Banded Groundling

Brachythemis leucosticta

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Red Rockdweller

Bradinopyga strachani

Photographed: Senegal, 2015

Scarlet Darter

Crocothemis erythraea  (Brullé, 1832)

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Urothemis assignata - Red Basker
Acisoma variegatum

Red Basker

Urothemis assignata

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Slender Pintail

Acisoma variegatum

Photographed: Tanzania, 2019

Orthetrum sp.


Orthetrum sp.

Photographed: Uganda, 2009

Orthetrum stemmale

Bold Skimmer

Orthetrum stemmale

Photographed: Kenya, 2015

Orthetrum trinacria

Long Skimmer

Orthetrum trinacria

Photographed: Tanzania, Arusha, 2019

Brachythemis  lacustris

Red Groundling

Brachythemis lacustris

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Brachythemis leucosticta

Southern Banded Groundling

Brachythemis leucosticta

Photographed: Tanzania, 2018

Black-tailed Skimmer

Nesciothemis farinosa

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Crocothemis erythraea - Scarlet Darter

Scarlet Darter

Crocothemis erythraea  (Brullé, 1832)

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Urothemis assignata

Red Basker

Urothemis assignata

Photographed: Tanzania, 2019


Diplacodes luminans

Photographed: Uganda, 2017

Orthetrum cancellatum

Black-lined Skimmer

Orthetrum cancellatum  (Linneaus, 1758)

Photographed: Corsica, 2014

Orthetrum sp.


Orthetrum sp.

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Black-splashed Elf​

Tetrathemis polleni - male

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016


Trithemis annulata - Violet Dropwing

Violet Dropwing

Trithemis annulata - male

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Trithemis arteriosa

Red-veined Dropwing

Trithemis arteriosa - male

Photographed: Zanzibar, 2008

Red-veined Dropwing

Trithemis arteriosa - male

Photographed: DR Congo, 2016

Trithemis annulata - Violet Dropwing

Violet Dropwing

Trithemis annulata - male

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Red-veined Dropwing

Trithemis arteriosa - male

Photographed: Zambia, 2012

Trithemis arteriosa - Red-veined Dropwing

Red-veined Dropwing

Trithemis arteriosa - male

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Trithemis annulata - Violet Dropwing

Violet Dropwing

Trithemis annulata - female

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Trithemis arteriosa

Red-veined Dropwing

Trithemis arteriosa - male

Photographed: Kenya, 2015

Red-veined Dropwing

Trithemis arteriosa - male

Photographed: Uganda, 2017


     A family of damselflies, commonly known as jewels. These are colorful species native to the Old World tropics, where they occur along forest streams

Dancing Jewel​

Platycypha caligata - male

Photographed: Kenya, 2015

Pseudagrion massaicum - Maasai Sprite

Maasai Sprite

Pseudagrion massaicum

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly

Ischnura pumilio

Photographed: Morocco, 2018

Pseudagrion hamoni - Hamon's Sprite

Hamons's Sprite

Pseudagrion hamoni

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Azuragrion nigridorsum - Black-tailed Bluet

Black-tailed Bluet

Azuragrion nigridorsum

Photographed: South Africa, 2019

Narrow-winged Damselflies

Pseudagrion sp.

Photographed: Uganda, 2017


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