KEN 07
Kenya 2007 - Location and water quality data

Ramisi KEN 07-1
Coordinates: 04°32.080'S 39°19.767'E
Species collected: Nothobranchius melanospilus and N. palmqvisti
Accompanying fauna: -
Water temperature: 27.2 °C, pH: 6.50, TDS: 100 ppm
Date of collection: 2 January 2007

Kikambala KEN 07-2
Coordinates: 03°54.006'S 39°46.254'E
Species collected: Nothobranchius interruptus
Accompanying fauna: Xiphophorus sp.
Water temperature: 31.6 °C, pH: 7.04, TDS: 644 ppm
Date of collection: 2 January 2007

Mariakani KEN 07-3
Coordinates: 03°52.239'S 39°26.535'E
Species collected: Nothobranchius elongatus
Accompanying fauna: -
Water temperature: 29.5 °C, pH: 7.82, TDS: 1140 ppm
Date of collection: 6 January 2007

Mwatsuma KEN 07-4
Coordinates: 03°51.003'S 39°29.874'E
Species collected: Nothobranchius elongatus
Accompanying fauna: -
Water temperature: 29.4 °C, pH: 6.64, TDS: 200 ppm
Date of collection: 6 January 2007

Matope KEN 07-5
Coordinates: 03°49.769'S 39°19.902'E
Species collected: Nothobranchius elongatus
Accompanying fauna: frogs
Water temperature: 29.2°C, pH: 7.26, TDS: 70 ppm
Date of collection: 6 January 2007

Matope KEN 07-6
Coordinates: 03°49.530'S 39°19.807'E
Species collected: Nothobranchius elongatus
Accompanying fauna: -
Water temperature: 30.4°C, pH: 7.68, TDS: 110 ppm
Date of collection: 6 January 2007